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Menu Item

Add menu item

Add a new menu item to the Shopware admin menu. The content of the menu item module is determined by your locationId. A specific view or a set of actions can be triggered based on the locationId.

label: 'Test item',
locationId: 'your-location-id',
displaySearchBar: true,
parent: 'sw-catalogue',


labeltrueThe label of the tab bar item
locationIdtrueThe id for the content of the menu item module
displaySearchBarfalsetrueToggles the sw-page search bar on/off
parentfalse'sw-extension'Determines under which main menu entry your item is displayed
positionfalse110Determines the position of your menu item


Menu item example

import { location, ui } from '@shopware-ag/meteor-admin-sdk';

// General commands
if ( {
// Add the menu item to the catalogue module{
label: 'Test item',
displaySearchBar: true,
locationId: 'your-location-id',
parent: 'sw-catalogue',

// Render your custom view
if ('your-location-id')) {
document.body.innerHTML = '<h1 style="text-align: center">Hello from your menu item</h1>';